Friday, September 25, 2009


Its two am and I just have to do it!

I have to put up photos of the cutest little girls in the world. Can you see the trouble we are headed for? The good news is that I am Grandma and I get to enjoy them then send them home. I will let Mom and Dad worry about all the boys who come to call!

Olivia Poole born July 1 2009. My how she has grown! She is so responsive and already a flirt. I love it!

Noa Poole. The first grandchild who stole our hearts! Already bi-lingual and so adorable.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Things that make me go Whoot Whoot!

Dan and Heidi are awsome parents. I think there is hope for the next generation!

How do you describe the joy of a Grandbaby? Noa is amazing!

I could watch her for hours.

Of course Stan and Noa combined makes a great big whoot whoot
Ben LOVES animals...alive or dead. I find it amazing that he can love them so much then stuff them. (taxidermy)
Shelly and Garrett graduate in a couple of days.. They have their baby...Laces. They will be moving to Arizona for Shelly to begin P.A. School.
Because Chris and Sara are so close and I see them so often I never take their photo...I will remedy that. Sara is finally looking like there is really a baby in there. Her name will be Olivia.
When my children were small I would watch out the window as they played. Facebook makes me feel like I still have a window to their life. Anything my kids do I still love to watch. I think I would love it even more to join Scott right now but, photos are the next best thing.

Scott is in Africa now. He said India was all over him 24/7. Imagine a tall handsome blonde American...yep I believe it.

Right next to loving to look at my kids photos would be looking at anything to do with decorating. I want my living room to look like one of these. (do you see the common theme?)

I love looking for new ideas.

And Finally, I took my last final today! I am done with my bachelors. WHOOT WHOOT WHOOT

What's next? Can you say PAINT! I am so excited to get it done. I am so tired of the faux walls.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Have you heard of Hazel? I am in awe! She inspires me!

She is the mayor and has been for 30 years. Her city is DEBT FREE!

She's 88 and going strong. She still puts on the hocky skates. Check out her video.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Noa came to visit. She is amazing. She weighs in at 18 pounds...and is almost 18 months old. She chatters in dutch and best of all she runs to have me pick her up. I love it!
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

He Replied....Hey Mom, I'm O.K.

Just so you know....

Scott has replied that he is o.k.

Mom !!

I'm totally okay, I'm in Koh Tao, beautiful island in Thailand. There is no war going on in Cambodia it's a very nice very peaceful place, we just went to a shooting range to shoot big guns.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

IS 99.999% SURE -- ENOUGH? Not for this mom.

Thai troops 'cross into Cambodia'

I was/am 99.999% sure Scott was joking. (see previous posting) However, I still lost sleep last night. That .0009% is to much. So I checked the BBC today and here is what I found. NOW I KNOW I WILL SHOOT HIM WHEN HE COMES HOME!

Thai soldiers have reportedly entered Cambodia near a disputed temple where the two sides briefly exchanged fire last year.

A spokesman for Cambodia's government said that about 100 troops had crossed the border.

A Thai border commander denied there had been any troop movements and said there had been no increase in tension.

Thailand and Cambodia both lay claim to the temple area. Despite several rounds of talks, a settlement remains elusive.

Soldiers from the two countries have been stationed in the area since the clashes in July last year......In Thailand feelings are running even higher; the government elected last December was already floundering under a combined assault by street demonstrators, unfavourable court verdicts and the parliamentary opposition.

Major Panic

Scott has always had a great sense of humor. I pray he is joking! I have asked several times where are you and here is the answer I received today. I think I will shoot him when he comes home! His reply:

So we are in Cambodia...

We have been here for quite some time, and it looks like I will be staying quite a bit longer. You walk down the streetsand people shove propaganda in your hands, lots and lots of military... Tanks, men, guns it's like we walked into a war zone... Can't really take pictures... It's all very very sketchy.. There is a large rebellion going on here trying to overthrow the government that is not televised nationally because of corruption and focus on the middle east. The Khmer Rouge's Central Committee is trying to overthrow the People's Party of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

But the government needs to go.

So we have been staying at this one hostel the whole time and came to be very good friends with a Canadian man who has lived here for 14 years, he came here after he left the Canadian army. Anyway we told him that we were leaving in 2 days and he told us we wouldn't make the border because the revolution is going to happen and they will shut the borders down. He took us to a safe camp that was occupied by the freedom fighters. We have decided that we want to fight. We are excellent marksmen (thanks dad) and they will let us handle long range weapons, and be a safer distance from the action. The General told us he would give us officer's pay because having white Americans in the mix will boost morale, plus a signing bonus that should pay for a large part of our trip, it should all be over in a few days. It gives us an opportunity to make a difference, change Cambodia for the better, and help a great cause. If anything happens I love you all, don't worry I'll be fine.

Lucky for him I know he is joking!
But... I don't think the email was funny!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Homework Solutions

Whats up with this? Three seperate blogs for one day? I must have a test, a paper, and misc other homework. Not to mention the paper work required for peer parenting...don't even get me started on that one! So... I try avoidance. I don't feel much better.

Next step...go buy treats and see if that will help me focus.

Am I now a new Grandma?

Shelly has a puppy to keep her busy while Garrett is busy with baseball. Does that make me a new Grandma?

And here's the happy family!
They are doing a great job of training the dog.
She already knows several tricks.

Where's Scott?

I hear from Scott ... at least a sentence or two and even get photos occassionally. I keep asking where are you?I get ... we had a great dive
And I get ...I claimed my own island
I have even heard I am on top of the bus.... (with 40 other people going 40 miles an hour! No, not in a seat, on a suitcase.)
I am glad he is having a great time!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Everytime I look at a post I see the "profile" and "about me".... so here is a little about me.

I am attending 3 schools all at once. Yes Three. (I like to pay those fees.)

You might ask does that get confusing?

...I was confused when I was only going to one school so YES!

But the good news is this will be my last semester for a bachelors degree!

Modern technology has helped a lot!
I have satelite classes from USU.

On campus classes from Dixie (DSC).

and the The teacher comutes from SUU. (Cedar City)

There are a few of us older students. We like to get together after class.

Monday, March 2, 2009

the trip continues

Dang! Look at the water.... what am I doing here?

It would be easy to travel with just a back pack if I could throw on a bandana and a pair of shorts and look this good!

Monday, February 23, 2009

scott goes round the world

Come venture around the world with Scott. (No movie star has anything on him do they!) Do we know what he is eating? Maybe this is the peanut butter sandwich that he ate and could actually recognize.

I am so excited for him. He is living my dream. He and a friend will venture to about 7 countries...I think. I will share photos as I recieve them for your enjoyment. He said Hong Kong was amazingly clean, no homeless or beggers and a great place to be.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

she made it to tv!

This is a picture of Stan's nieces daughter. She is so cute! She was on tv yesterday. I have been slow getting photos to her mom so I just decided to post one here.


Happy Valentines Day to All My Children.
They are the best, the smartest, the cutest, the most awsome......

Don't husbands count as children? Well, I guess not but I have to say Happy Valentines to him too and let you know I love him. He is not only "magical" but tender hearted and loved by all. (even if he does keep secrets). He came home today and told me to have my bags packed and be ready to leave by 5pm tomorrow...but wont tell me where we are going. Hello! I could be really excited if I knew! LOL. He is great!

Wow, now here is an amazing guy! He met Heidi on the internet when he was "a child" he isn't still. I think they were 15. They married some years later (7 years?). This is them is Belgium this past Christmas. Dan has been such a wonderful son. He is so family oriented. He loves to give service to us, his neighbors, and his grandparents. He is a great "big brother" and husband. He is working on his doctrate from the UofU and teaching statistics. Not bad for a boy I could hardly keep in high school! He has a heart of gold and is an amazing father. He loves to take care of a huge yard and garden. Thus, the garden vegies. I just can't say enough good about him. Best of all... he married Heidi and they had my first grandbaby. Noa. Dan and Heidi are such a support to each other.

Heidi has been such a blessing to him and us. Heidi is amazingly intelligent. Although her first language is dutch her english is better than mine. She could correct my papers anytime. She works full time as a spanish/french/latin teacher and is an amazing wife and mother. She sacrificed her lunch hours for a year so Dan could bring Noa to her. She adores her husband and baby. We are so grateful she left her homeland and family to join ours. Who could ask for anything else?

Noa. How can you not look at this sweet baby and just oooh and awhhh! Oh so much fun and joy. She is the cutest grandchild there is. (and for the moment my only one) We just wish we lived closer. If you haven't watched her video, besure you do. You will laugh and laugh. Nobody can watch it just once. 14 months old and so perceptive!

Chris. Dang I have cute kids, don't I? Chris is awsome. As a young child we thought he would be so hard to get along with as an adult. We we ever wrong! He has grown up to be mellow, giving, hard working and just plain awsome! Yes, his cute wife says he can still be determined (aka stubborn) but she said so can she so it is a good match. Chris likes to say he was the only child I really wanted. It is true, (the others were all surprises) and he has lived up all my dreams. He is working full time and going to school. They just bought a home. We are so happy for them. But the best part is...they are also giving me my second grand baby! Sara is due in July.
Sara is a great match for Chris. We love how she is family oriented. I felt so priveledged to have them live with us for a short period of time. Who wants to live with their mother in law! She is so helpful and can handle all my crazy boys like a trooper! She is thoughtful and a wonderful wife for Chris! She is in the nursing program and working full time at a doctors office. I love how goal oriented all my children are.

Scott: With both Scott and Shelly I would say still water runs deep. Scott is very independent and focused. Ever since he was very small he has worked hard for a goal, accomplishes it and goes on to the next one. He can be quiet and absorb his surroundings or be the comic relief in a crowd. I love talking with him, even if it is on something we don't agree about. He talks intelligently and listens with interest. He will start medical school this fall. How can we not be proud! He has been very busy the last couple years getting through college, working, and doing all the volunteer stuff. It has paid off and we couldn't be happier. He is leaving next week for a 3 month tour of the world. My only complaint is that I wasn't invited!

Ben. If you know Ben you smile. How could you not. He litterally can change the energy in a crowded room just with his presence. He loves life and people. Mostly he loves the outdoors. His adventures in Alaska have taught me that there must be gaurdian angels. His adventures in life have taught me that there must be a loving God. He brings home stray children for me to take in like most bring home stray dogs. Maybe that is because I would not let him have a dog. :) We pray daily for him , as we do for all our children, that he will continue to reach for the stars. Watch world! Here he comes.

Shelly. I better first tell her congratulations and way to go for being accecpted into PHYSICIANS ASSISSTANT school. She will be going in June down to Arizona. The medical community will be blessed for having her among them. She is not only beautiful on the outside, but even more so on the inside. I have never heard her speak unkindly of anyone. She gives service all the time. She is teaching piano lessons and going to school full time. She is driven and she adores her sweet and kind husband Garrett.
Garrett is perfect for Shelly. He is a straight A student at SUU and is on the baseball team. He treats Shelly like a queen. Likes to eat my leftovers. (that gives big brownie points!) and is great about comming to visit on weekends. He is very goal oriented and will put Shelly through PA school then she will put him through an MBA program.
We have been blessed with awsome kids and spouses! I claim them all!

Happy Valentines!

To all those I love may your day be full of sunshine!

It would be difficult to list all those I care so deeply about. So many have touched my life in amazing ways. Many may not even know the influence they spred.
To you I say thank you!