Dan and Heidi are awsome parents. I think there is hope for the next generation!

How do you describe the joy of a Grandbaby? Noa is amazing!

I could watch her for hours.

Of course Stan and Noa combined makes a great big whoot whoot

Ben LOVES animals...alive or dead. I find it amazing that he can love them so much then stuff them. (taxidermy)

Shelly and Garrett graduate in a couple of days.. They have their baby...Laces. They will be moving to Arizona for Shelly to begin P.A. School.

Because Chris and Sara are so close and I see them so often I never take their photo...I will remedy that. Sara is finally looking like there is really a baby in there. Her name will be Olivia.

When my children were small I would watch out the window as they played. Facebook makes me feel like I still have a window to their life. Anything my kids do I still love to watch. I think I would love it even more to join Scott right now but, photos are the next best thing.

Scott is in Africa now. He said India was all over him 24/7. Imagine a tall handsome blonde American...yep I believe it.

Right next to loving to look at my kids photos would be looking at anything to do with decorating. I want my living room to look like one of these. (do you see the common theme?)

I love looking for new ideas.
And Finally, I took my last final today! I am done with my bachelors. WHOOT WHOOT WHOOT
What's next? Can you say PAINT! I am so excited to get it done. I am so tired of the faux walls.